Meet Ben Soto

Surfing brings the purest joy to my heart, I want to share that joy with you.

I loooooooove surfing!!! It is like nothing else on earth. A beautiful connection through liquid curls to the eternal universe that wraps all of us in its silky web. That feeling of pure joy, pure freedom, truly in the moment of what you’re doing. Everything else falls away and all you’re left with is a smile as big as the world, and you can’t wait to paddle out and do it again.

I am Transgender, and because of this, my path along the ocean’s shore took me on a bit of a detour. Not feeling comfortable in your own skin can hold you back from many things, surfing was the thing for me that I held myself back from. A lot has changed for me since those early days, those changes have led me back to surfing.

Now, I’m building my own boards for the sheer love of catching that ride. To experience that never ending joy and to help you do the same thing.

How can I help you find joy?